- Written by William D Snow
New online portal to streamline process for licensing University of South Florida inventions
FeaturedA new portal at the University of South Florida Technology Transfer Office is improving accessibility for USF inventors and the general public, including companies interested in licensing inventions.
The Inventor Portal will enhance the previous process of disclosing new inventions, copyright and trademarks to USF – replacing handwritten invention submission forms with an online portal easily accessible by each collaborator. The new process will streamline more than 180 disclosures the Technology Transfer Office receives each fiscal year. The portal will allow inventors to communicate directly with the Technology Transfer team and receive real-time updates on the status of their disclosure, marketing targets and funding.
“This new system introduces the potential for better accountability both on the part of the inventor and USF’s Technology Transfer Office,” Applied Biophysics Associate Professor Michael Cross said. “It will provide a dashboard for inventors to keep up to date with their disclosure and a central point of contact when additional information is needed.”
The research results are published in this disclosure.
Read the full article at USF News.
Visible Legacy Comment
The disclosure highlighted in the news release "High-throughput Platform for Bioprinting Tissue Modules" is exciting by itself, showing a technology that allows for cells to be grown in a pre-arranged manner and then transferred to a desired surface in a stamp like fashion. But the more-standardized way that Inteum Technology Publisher helps University Licensing Offices to communicate available technologies to Tech Scouts is a great enhancement to technology transfer. Visible Legacy Navigator is reading these public feeds and snapping the innovations into our knowledge map. The map below shows the academic ecosystem around Dr. Cross.
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- Caption: Dr. Michael Cross of University of South Florida: High-throughput Platform for Bioprinting Tissue Modules
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