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HHS Team at NIH Honored with Technology Transfer Innovation Award by Federal Laboratory Consortium
FeaturedWe are pleased to share that the Health and Human Services (HHS) team at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been awarded the Technology Transfer Innovation Award by the Federal Laboratory Consortium, “New Enterprise Technology Transfer System Revolutionizes Tech Transfer at NIH”.
The Federal Laboratory Consortium for Technology Transfer (FLC) is honoring 32 FLC Award winners (three of whom are from NIH) from 8 federal agencies for their contributions to technology transfer, which turns cutting-edge research into impactful products and services. The TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER INNOVATION AWARD recognizes the successful use of innovative or unconventional approaches, such as in-house competitions, to significantly increase the lab’s technology transfer partnerships and results. This award was given to the National Institutes of Health, Office of Technology Transfer, "New Enterprise Technology Transfer System Revolutionizes Tech Transfer at NIH"
"Technology transfer benefits our nation and improves our daily lives in many areas. Each year, our judges go through a very competitive process to select only a few to be recognized at our annual Awards Ceremony,” said Paul Zielinski, Executive Director of the FLC. “These award winners exemplify the very best in technology transfer and are deserving of this prestigious honor.”
Visit the NIH Technology Publisher site here.
The award details are published in this article.
Read the full article at NIH News.
Visible Legacy Comment
The system that NIH deployed is Inteum’s enterprise intellectual property management system, (IPMS) Minuet. This innovative platform has been instrumental in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of technology transfer operations at NIH. Because Visible Legacy reads the feeds from all the Inteum Minuet Technology Publisher users, we let you search and navigate around all the most recent technologies from NIH in Visible Legacy Navigator. Please also visit our TechFeed newsletter to keep up to date on the latest releases.
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