- Written by Will Snow
Visible Legacy included in ISRM Newsletter
Visible Legacy has been included in the April 2017 edition of Industry-Sponsored Research Management (ISRM). The article "Stanford adds widgets on website that map IP and research connections" is viewable online or available for download here by permission.
The ISRM Newsletter is a monthly newsletter by subscription devoted to the unique opportunities and challenges universities face in their industry-sponsored research efforts. The April edition covers topics such as industry collaborations with universities, co-development models, improving lab websites to be better platforms for communication, university technology licensing options, and integrating industry-sponsored research and technology transfer
The article "Stanford adds widgets on website that map IP and research connections" describes the benefits Stanford's Office of Technology Licensing has found by using Visible Legacy Widgets in their technology transfer website portal since we introduced our integration in 2014. These benefits include:
- enhances site navigation
- disambiguates topics
- makes the site more 'sticky' by encouraging users to explore related projects
- shows context and enables user to identify additional relevant researchers and innovations
- easily implemented into website with single line of code
The widgets may also be integrated into lab websites to enhance communication of projects and new innovations, and in Foundation websites to tell a more comprehensive story and raise awareness about grantees' research and the Foundation's impact.
Comment from Stanford OTL's Mary Albertson:
Giving potential licensees a better picture of other things that are going on in the university beyond just a specific technology ... to see relationships, labs, and other inventors in a graphic way, made a lot of sense.”
Please download the ISRM article. We welcome your comments.
Try the Widget: open the OTL Invention Disclosure for Stacey Bent, scroll to the bottom and click into the graphic and try it out!